Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Do developers actually spend time looking for new algorithms?

One question we've been curious about when considering the potential of algorithms as a services is how often developers look for new algorithms.

So, we ran a quick two-day survey to get an initial indication of what the answer might be.

With a sample size of n = 80, we'd be remiss to not point out the obvious facts that the statistical validity of the responses wouldn't hold up in Judge Judy's court.  That said, as a quick finger in the air test is gives an idea if any wind is blowing at all.

The answers in this population were a bit lower than we initially expected.  For a service to be meaningful, we'd want it to have the potential to engage users on at least a monthly basis (to justify the monthly fee).  With most respondents looking for new algos at the rate of around 2 - 4 times per year, a service that provides new algorithms would require a significant amount of eyeballs to manage the likely churn that would come with disengagement (assuming subscription sign-ups in the first place).

We'll be broadening the scope of this survey to get a larger sample size, and more meaningful results.  The results will be posted when available so stay tuned.

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